My Dream Home Birth Story

It’s important to note that the experience of birth is beyond full expression in words. The pictures don’t capture the depth, intensity, or animalistic sounds (like me screaming so loud that Cole worried the neighbors might hear). My midwife called them my "labor songs." But writing it down makes the experience clear and easier to recall.

At 1 am on 11/19/2024, I entered the birth portal.

I’d been having “false labor” contractions for about 2 weeks before the real ones started. This was super frustrating and mentally very challenging. I prepared for her to come early, not late!

As I approached 42 weeks, it was time. So with the help of curb walking and a skilled acupuncturist, we got things moving.

When labor finally began, the relief I had guided the way and I was able to drop in deeply. I’d prepared so much for this day and I couldn’t have been more happy.

My midwife arrived at 4:30 am.  

I cried happy tears surrounded by candlelight feeling the protection of my brother’s spirit, our animals, Cole, my mom (who also arrived around 4 am to be there for Finley), my incredible midwife, and our home. As I continued through contractions waiting for the tub to be filled, I watched the pinks and oranges of a snowy sunrise fill our space with even more calm—it was a moment I’ll never forget.

Everything was flowing so beautifully and my dream of having Finley in the tub with me came true.

She stayed in the tub for a long time giving me love and support. It was also deeply healing for us as I dreamed of having her in water too but that didn’t happen.

When I started to transition, it was time for Fin to leave. My mom was there to support and after they left, things got harder when I went into pushing. 

I was pushing for about 2 hours with no baby arriving and starting to hit a major wall of exhaustion and impatience. 

I finally got out of the tub and tried moving into our living room (hated that) then tried our bedroom, without our midwife to give Cole and me space. But craved being back in the tub.  

Then my midwife advised us to do a check. I had completely dilated except for what’s called an Anterior Lip. Which is when a part of the cervix swells instead of fully dilating. My midwife said she needed to move it out of the way and it would get the baby to come. 

This was super intense but highly relieving. 

After a lot more pushing and major support from Cole and my incredible midwife Sena, Hazel Marie Higgins was born in the water 30 minutes later at 2:01 pm.

Cole got to catch her and help bring her up to me. It was INCREDIBLE. I’m so deeply grateful for the wisdom and guidance of my midwife and the deeply grounded and loving energy of my husband.

This experience was truly out of my wildest dreams. I still find myself in shock that my vision for the way I wanted to give birth to my baby came true. I found the water to be the greatest pain relief and gave me the ability to move in ways I wouldn't have been able to out of the water. The water took the pressure off my body and allowed me to drop in mentally.

For those looking to have a homebirth below are some of my top resources:

Pictures taken by my angel of human and master midwife Sena Johnson. Forever in the deepest gratitude for how she held me in her wisdom and love through pregnancy and birth.


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